I run fast...faster…and faster.
All around me the maddening crowd
runs. All chasing but one,
the masked fellow – Success.
pushing, pulling, tripping, they run.
There he falls! trampled,
he bleeds. Yet they run -
merciless; unheeding; untouched.
I reflect… deep… deeper…
Success! have you seen him?
You? You there? No one.
He is but the glowing sun.
The closer you move, the farther it seems.
And finally you reach it.
But there you are -
scorched; burnt; wounded.
flee! oh man, flee.
There where the breeze blows gentle,
where the tall sheesham dance happily,
where the green meadows soothe your vision,
where the yellow fields merry your heart,
where the rustle of the fallen leaves
sing a tune to your ears -
melodious; charming; enchanting.
flee! oh soul, flee.
There where the sun is not scorching,
where it plays hide and seek
with its dear friend, the cloud.
Where the soft beams glide secretly
through the crevice of the oak window,
and pat gently your eyelids. You wake -
fresh; happy; pleased.
But what is this? A faint sound.
Is it a siren? Or the sigh of the numbers
returning from their work’s monotony.
Tired, loathsome, their legs advance,
but their heart left way behind.
No I err. The sound is solemn.
It attracts and I follow-
unthinking; mesmerized; hypnotized.
Can this be the source? the origin
of that solemn, divine music?
This tattered carcass of man’s devotion?
This fallen roof, these stone walls
smoothened by algae, and grass peeping out
of every crevice. The naked faith stares
through his dark, stony eyes -
powerful; steady; penetrating.
The bells ring and I find,
my head bowed in reverence,
my hands joined in prayer,
and my heart-
calm; peaceful; tranquil.
I do have faith in God. But the faith seems to get lost in the restlessness of the spirit... a feeling of nothingness that is all encompassing. And then I go on an expedition seeking refuge in material happiness, then in nature and then ultimately I find solace in my own faith... A self found happiness. But even that is temporary and every few months... sometimes even weeks, I begin with a yet new expedition.
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