Have you sensed the silence before a horrendous, blazing storm breaks?
Have you sensed the silence after the last breath, in a gush, escapes?
The silence as the wild beast before hounding its prey, quietly sniffs…
The silence in the bouncing, frolicking, streams, falling from high cliffs…
And its yet another silence…
At the bright, golden dawns, amidst chirping birds, ringing faith and an occasional hawker calling out on the lone street.
Sipping a cup of coffee, while buzzing through the morning newspaper…
Humming a soft tune, while strolling the side lanes of noisy, bustling streets.
The silence when the soul unites with the universe, and chants the only truth - “The Onkar”.
And yet again I see the beauty of silence…
When we sit and gaze into each other’s eyes, and at that moment, the entire world dissolves into nothingness.
When that little smile breaks on your lips, and that bloom, to my eyes, surpasses the brightest blossoms.
When I lay my head in your lap, and you run your fingers through my hair, in gentle rhythmic strokes,
When I read out to you this stanza or that, from a book, and we listen together not to the words, but the underlying silence of the moment…
The silence when your hand eagerly seeks mine in the dark and amidst the crowds…
And it is still silence when your hands slip from mine, your fingers trailing the length of my palm, till the last tip of the touch…
It is silence you leave behind… the silence of moist eyes, of quivering lips, of trembling hands and crumbling heart…
It is still silence that remains long after you are gone…the silence of blankness, emptiness, solitude, and of an eternal, never ending wait for you…
The silence envelops you and me and converses in a dialect of its own… while we sit with sealed lips and starry eyes.
Note: Some thoughts, some images brought to surface by this... :-)
This is so good it hurts right where it hurts the most.
@Nothingman: :-) thanks. :-)
I loved your poem in response to tags. :-)
And I hadnt deleted the tag. Do it plzzzz.... :(
thought a lot about what to comment....guess a moment of silence - a moment of realisation, a moment of awe, a moment in trance and a moment of appreciation for this beautiful piece is the best I can post!
Keep up the good work...!! :)
There are some who CANNOT hear silence, some who DO NOT hear silence and only a very few who hear but ONLY silence.
You seem to be lattermost type.
lovely words...you have crafted it so beautifully. I just read every word of it....Wonderful!
"Silence is golden
In all its hopelessness
Unbearable moments
Spent in complete bliss
I don't have the words
To say deep in my soul
Understanding nothing
You still make me whole
No sounds were made
Were you even there
I was sitting in silence
Trying to get lost in prayer
Why was it so quiet
Why couldn't I speak
Was I supposed to sit there
For so long feeling so weak
Faster my heart speeds
Built up emotions can't release
I don't feel your comfort
My mind has no peace
Silence is golden
Except for right now
Haunting moments
In which I bow"
lovely post meenakshi! :)
peace & love
well the post left me silent/ speechless..
loved your 'about me' as well..
@Silence: And thats the best you could have said in respect for silence and for the piece. :-) Thank you. :-)
@Lord Jim: hahahaha so here Jim, you typofied me? ;-)
And well I do hear the words too... and quite clearly. ;-)
@Kalyan: Thanks Kalyan for dropping by and for the appreciation. :-)
I visited your blog too and u have a great blog out there. :-)
@Rajeev: Wow Jeevy... mind blowing poem. Keep it up... I loved it. Awesome. :-)
@Sachin: Thanks Sachin and welcome aboard. :-)
Beautifully written! Silence i think can at the same time mean everything and nothing :)
Each post you write is better than the previous one :) Loved this one too.
Nice post...:) Silence has so much to offer...if u want to hear it...:)
good one..
Hi Meenakshi!
Am new to the blogosphere...and hence an illiterate in all these..to an extent though. I understand that you are an interesting person..the words and the way you crafted this piece is simply amazing! It is simple..yet it conveys some of the most powerful emotions. It has got that connect which I believe most of the bloggers and readers lack.
Wish I could also write in the same way someday!
Hope to see some more interesting and nice pieces from you.
Cheers! :)
A ncie peice madam! Me liked it a lot..you write simpley biutifull! ghost! am so amazed at your skills that i felt liking dying for the artical u writted!
Very nicely writted!
Kept up!!
@Lalith: Hey Lalith... Yeah... what u said is true.
Thanks a lot. :-) We all strive for improvement. Sometimes we succeed, sometimes we dont. I just hope it is improvement and if it is, may it continue. :-)
Thanks and Cheers!
@kp: Thanks Kevin. and yeah well said. :-)
@rangoli singh: hehehehehe.. thanku thanku. :-)
@Mikey: Hello Mikey. Nevermind u r new here... Often freshers come up with the best ideas and with the zeal to execute it too. :-) Experience after a point gets mundane. ;-)
Thanks for finding me interesting as a person and for liking the piece. :-)
I just write what I feel and what I feel is what everyone feels, being a common person who merges with the crowds. I have nothing extraordinary to offer. Perhaps, thats why people can relate to what I write?
hmmm... write the way you write, because thats your signature and thats YOU! :-) Cheers!
@rajgopal: hahahaha... hello Rajgopal. :-) and Thanks a lot. And please dont die for my piece... otherwise who will live to praise the next? ;-)
hahahahha.... thanks a ton. :-)
Cheers everybody. Be Happy!
Bahot Sahi .. Silence .. badiyaa
Now had to read it again...It touched something inside..
So many things said..with the silence...Mention on " Onkar " is just beautiful...
Beautiful Work Meenakshi!
@Sushant: shukriya. :-)
@Standbymind: Thanks a ton Aman. I am glad you liked it. :-)
a strange gut wrenching feeling the stomach, few poems bring that out. This was amazing.
wonderful post!!
when you say nothing at all by alison krauss
@Ajit: Thanks buddy. :-)
Not sure if I would call it a poem though... I mean, the structure is not so much of a poem... yet, I dont know what genre you can classify it into. :(
hmm... whatever, why even try classifying it... lets just feel it. :-)
@the lover: whoa... Neo becomes the lover? kya baat hai! something the matter? ;-)
hey thanks Lover! :-)
@humbl devil: Oh Humbl... I just loooooveeee that song. It is so beautiful. :-)
Cheers all! :-)
Heylo! been a bit busy but this meme was on my mind. have a look :)
I observe a change in your writings... Kya baat hai :-) ??
@Nothingman: :-) Thanku for taking the tag. :-) It was well done... rest I have already said. :-)
@Vibhanshu: hahahahahha... you noticed the change? hmmm... thats great. Now whatever it is, atleast you cannot complain about it being dark and gloomy? ;-)
hahahahha... baat toh kuch bhi nahi hai... bas farak nazariye ka hai. :-)
hello meenakshi :)
here from jyoti blog.......
nicely wriiten :)
we have one thing in common !!! whats that ??? checck out my blog :)
Take Care
loved the verse all through!! :)
@Life: Welcome here Vikas. And thanks. :-)
Yeah... we are look-alikes! ;-)
@sharad: Thanks Sharad! I am glad you liked it. :-)
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