The clouds are forming again... Little translucent clusters dashing into each other... Some hitting with fury destroying the other, some losing themselves in the other's existence. "An epitome of love and the culture of war, together", smiles the senile Sky, watching with his tired eyes.
The little droplets now descend one following the other... in masses, falling into the greedy mouth of the earth, that swallows one drop after the other, leaving no trace behind. The only evidence of the fallen droplets is the wet clod of mud. The same clod of mud, that remained unmoved, when the winds chased the sand to the far ends of the dessert... the same clod of mud that hid beneath sheets of lose sand when travellers passed by... the same clod of mud that was deader than the dead dessert. The clod of mud, whose one end now quivers, slightly, tentatively. A slow, short breath blurts out in a plosive, blowing some sand away. A long limb moves, curls-up uncertainly, as the neck cranes to hide within the folds of sand. The heavy curtains on the eyes finally rise, slowly, as life is blown into it. The Clod of mud rises to life.
Hey everybody... how are you all. Sorry for the long hiatus and I am glad to be back. Glad to be alive. :-)
Winged Fantasy
Welcome back into the realm of the alive and blogging! Rather missed your flights of fantasy and fiction. You've lost none of your verve during the gap it seems ...
And clouds would be more than welcome in this heat :P
Aruni! So good to see you again. :-)
Thanks. :-)
Oh good! It's great to see you back here :)
so glad to see ya back, and i'vee been back 4 someime now ;)!!!!!
keep writinggg!!!!!!!!
welcome back :D
good to have u back in the blogosphere! :D
rain again! haha, i wrote my post on rain also, must be some kind of ESP or something, well, hope to read more from your side!
keep cool!
The rains were a welcome change in this parched blog of yours.
Hope u dont disappear again.
@Kazarelth: :-)
@Shammu: Yeah... hoping both of us are here to stay this time. ;-)
@Impressionist: Glad to be back. :)
@Nothingman: I really liked your rain post. ESP? I had to google that. hmmm may be, could be, possible. ;-)
@Sujoy: I hope so too. But well, I am still the slave of a muse. :-)
I've liked reading your post too. The opening lines pretty lyrical and Its raining out here :).
Keep up the good work. Dont leave us in a drought of blogs.
so when's the next thunderstorm???
(aka. your post)
i love thunderstorms
And now, Gone with the wind again? Or on wings of fantasy?
Good to see you back Meenakshi :).
Borne on her gossamer wings, has the fantasy left this abode?
Oh no no... not gone yet, atleast not completely. Fantasy is here, somewhere... lost between the two worlds... :-)
Will be back, in another fortnight maybe... if all goes well. :-)
where did that come from?
well, i'll look forward to that time then. Fantasies never fade, it seems. :D
haven't written in a long time,
or just find the ol paper and pen more appealing?
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