There was a world once not long ago, when true love's kiss used to breathe life in the dead, end wars, cure diseases, even undo curses and turn frogs into princes or princesses into Shreks.
Today as we seek true love's kiss, there is just a wee little problem. How err... do you know which of the myriads of love is true love?
Well... its simple. You would know when it walks into your life. Your heart would ring a bell. But as you wait with bated breath for the true love to walk into your life like a whiff of sweet breeze that would change your life forever... well, as you wait, there are Interim Loves and their kisses. Ummm... these... how do you put it? Shall we say, these are starters? Just fillers, not to be mistaken for true love. Do not make the error of gorging on one particular delicious starter so much, that your appetite for the main course is dead...
So well, you wait again... and wait and wait... But your wayward heart doesnt ring the bell... So you decide to marry and most dutifully fall in love. Well, this is the Safe Love. You come back to the love everyday and love them with the same precision of passion everyday. No day is different and there are no surprises. Till your life becomes a shade of grey and then suddenly someone walks in wearing red glasses and you turn to look at them mesmerized, with awe, with curiosity, even admiration. This is when you have met your Secret Love.
You may or may not choose to confess your love to your secret love. But as time ticks away, the secret loses its sheen and shrivels away. And you fall back on your Safe love and pledge to never be tempted again by red glasses or rainbow colours. And you grow old together happy in your safe haven. You live through life together and even miss your safe love when it rests forever.
But wait a minute, where was the True Love? Did you find it along the way? Did you miss it? Or did your heart just not recognize that your safe love was your true love? You will never know. Will you?
Thats all for today. Alvida! :)
First of all, nice to see you back on blogosphere and secondly thanks for letting me know that i too have blogging account! :)
A very nice read, but I wonder whether this leaves me even more confused than I was before I read this...kudos to U if that was the intention. ;)
Loved the smooth flight of thoughts across all forms of loves...justifies the wingedfantasy I believe! :)
true love !!! reminds me of Fiona... and the answer too ... it can be anyone, you just have to feel it ... loved the concept of safe love :P
this one really made me smile. and think about ... well, stuff. :)
@Silentmind: You are most welcome. Now that the realization has dawned, and memories refreshed, can we have a post please? :)
@Rajlakshmi: You are right Rajlakshmi. Shrek the fourth time was the muse.
Thanks for visiting here. I see that you own a Poetry wagon yourself... Will be over to yours soon for a ride. :)
@Aruni: hehehe... 'stuff'... interesting I say! Share with us too... ;-)
wow Welcome back...
awwww!!! ended with a question! i totally loved reading it :D
glad to have ya back :) :)
Thank u for the warm welcome MKan and Nothingman.
N: I seem to have no answers... but questions I have... helluva lots... :)
With ques and cheers,
Winged Fantasy
Even if u find true love ( which rarely happens), there is a possibility of that changing to safe love.... I don't know, but loved ur blog. Welcome back!
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