Greedy eyes groping for every sight of greenery,
Gulping every breath of cool, fresh air,
Resounding every chirp, every rustle, every gush;
Of the birds, the leaves and the crystal water falls.
Accustomed to the White, Black and Grey of civilization,
This green hue was a pleasant retreat –
A retreat to the wilderness…
…A wilderness that discovers my peace,
Long lost in the battle of strife.
A wilderness that revives my youth,
Long lost under the burdens of civilization.
A wilderness that restores my soul,
Long lost, seeking the lusts of the body.
A wilderness that heals the bruises of an aged civilization,
A wilderness that tranquilizes, rejuvenates and regenerates.
Yet, as the sun begins to hide beneath the sea,
A shadow seems to spread over the wilderness.
All the intimacy and oneness with the wilderness
Begins to flee, and a stranger faces me.
A stranger- dark, unknown, impenetrable
Stares back at me with a ghastly look.
And I, shivering like a child, wail and seek
The comfort of my nest, the warmth of my hearth.
On my bed, as I repose, I wonder:
What is more frightening- Wilderness or Civilization?
One stands dark, unpredictable, impenetrable;
The other slouches tiringly, loathsome and burdensome.
One sends a shiver running through the body that paralyzes;
The other slowly and steadily sucks the nectar of life.
One marks the retrieve to the primitive, atavistic origins;
The other promotes a meaningless, soulless progress.
Hercules perhaps had an easier choice between Virtue and Vice.
While we his successors, speculate to choose the lesser vice.
Written after a trip to Chikmangalur... A beautiful place but the drive back was one of the scariest drives I have ever had...
Isn't it strange how things that seem welcoming from a distance morph into something totally bizzare and intimidating if we venture closer.
Nice blog :D Was fun going through it.
Hi Vibhanshu,
Thanks for your comment. Glad you liked the blog.
Yes a few things are best at a distance :-)
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