Death… She always thought she would outwit him whenever he came. She was confident about herself, she was confident about her God and she was confident about Death. Afterall, she had known him so close ever since her childhood. She understood him. He was her dark secret. Something so special that she could allow nobody the intelligence of that sphere of her world. He was like a companion, not directly… But like a friend’s friend, with whom she shared a silent understanding. He was always associated with someone close to her… like a secret admirer staring at her, trying to steal an eye contact at every opportunity he got. Once or twice earlier he had been successful in locking her sight for a few minutes. But this moment was like nothing before… her first real rendezvous with him. She felt thrilled... she felt vulnerable… like in the arms of a passionate lover. She felt his proximity and her pulses quickened. She was breathless… partly because the sea denied her a lungful of air and partly with anticipation for the meeting with this strong, dynamic and powerful persona, almost the knight in the shining armour. She shivered… visibly due to the cold sea soaking her and inwardly because she knew the ultimate moment of surrender had come. The moment had come to give up herself completely, body and soul to this childhood admirer. She wished she could hug her family one last time and say a loving adieu like any other bride departing from her parent’s home… say the few things she always wanted them to know… But there was no time and so she squeezed all her emotions, all the million wishes in one word “God Bless” uttered under her breath. She could feel his shadow now on her body and she moved in to his embrace.
Just then a motor boat sped towards her in lightening speed and she could see a man dive into the cold sea. As if by reflex, Death released her from his embrace. He shunned her… just like he had never approached her earlier in somebody’s presence. She was confused… panicked… And then she could feel the warm life-like clasp of a hand on her arm, a strong hand around her waist that pulled her towards the motor boat. The sea that seemed so fond of her earlier now moved back to give her way. The friction of the water and the calm voice of this stranger pulled her out of the state of limbo she had elapsed into... As if waking up from a dream, she looked around and saw the same cold sea. But her hero was gone. The shadow of the knight in the shining armour just faded into thin air. In its place stood this real brave soldier who saved her life… And for once, she was glad she was alive.
Methinks: There is always a thin line between life and death, fantasy and reality, between truth and lies and I guess more often than not a writer mixes them up, blends them inseperably to produce a piece of art. I do not claim to be a writer or produce a pice of art... but yes my writings are a blend of reality and imagination, of truth and lies and this particular one even mixes up life and death :-)
hmmm...amazingly written...dont know wat u were feeling then...but im sure ur "a rendezvous with death" says it all...keep it up bachchhaa...
Thanks a ton... :-) No as I said... I wasn't thinking anything majorly... It was a strange state of suspention with no feelings... definitely not happy... but strangely, not sad or scared either. I don't know... whatever it was... it was an experience :-)
yes my writings are a blend of reality and imagination, of truth and lies and this particular one even mixes up life and death :-) a heady cocktail.
Thankyou for the kind words you left behind after your visit. I see that you are a detail writer yourself, that you too have romanced death, like many of us. And that darkness is your inspiration too.
Happy writing.
Thanks Aakash.
I am just a beginer... trying to put my all so scattered thoughts into words.
Its strange but yes, somehow darkness inspires more than light... fear and sorrow are more overpowering than joy.
Thanks and happy writing to you too.
Hi Dibs,
When I review your blog as a literary contribution I find it really amazing, indeed a great writing...but when I get deeper into details like the thought process behind this writing I feel a pinch of dejection and pessimism.....specially this line "There is always a thin line between life and death, fantasy and reality, between truth and lies"....I have a very different view on this...there isn't any line between life and death, fantasy and reality, between truth and lies..they are the colors of rainbow although distinct but inseparable...there isn't any fine line between the two colors of a rainbow....its just the lookout that makes all the person may percieve a color as yellow with a pinch of green and other person may percieve the same color as green with a pinch of yellow.....
Live life the fullest...contribute to the society with ur good deeds u'll be remembered and/or ur contributions in the making of a good society will be visible even after u r no more in this world...this will make u immortal and u'll defy the term death....fantasize about unreal and convert them into's fantasy is tommorow's reality....
Rohit Saxena
Hey Rohit,
Thanks for the comments. Actually my thought processes are not so pessimistic. I do believe in positive thinking. This was only an experience that I shared. One of the many experiences of life... and I truly enjoyed the experience :-)
But yes I say there is a thin line between life and death because in a split second death just enters your life and before you know you are on the other side. I say there is a thin line between reality and fantasy because imagination springs from real situations without you being conscious of it.
And yes being remembered after your death is altogether different... However even there it is your family and friends who truly remember you after death... Others only greet your portraits with wreaths and garlands on the birth and death days.
hey Meenakshi your writings are verryyyy deeeeppppp & very gooodd....gud work,keep it up...
@Leo: Thanks ustaad... thats very encouraging :-)
All I gat to say is that you have mixed them well!
Really well!
@standbymind: Thanks Aman. As a child, I used to beat eggs well for an omlette... and i loved the act. May be thats how I learnt the art of mixing... ;-)
U left me completely speechless!!!
this is just great!! boy!
this is amaaazing!
this one goes to my favourites, i've added the link to this one in my blog :)
i hope u dont mind :)
keep writing. this one truly is a piece of art!!
Peace & Love
@rajeev: Thanks buddy. :-)
naa re.. Its my pleasure. :-)
And thanks once again :-)
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