Thursday, March 29, 2007


I met Life again today
around the corner of that lane.
Blinded by the wind storm,
in a mad rush I rode.
Now shaky, now steady;
Swinging, swaying, twisting, turning
with the slithering, curvy road,
and BANG!

I frowned, She stared,
I stared, She smiled…

…She smiled? I looked again…
She smiled. Confused, bewildered,
I looked away… She smiled?

A fugitive smile escaped my lips too.
I quickly turned and hurried away.

Note: No this was not a poem, not a prose or the narration of any real incident. It is just a feeling... You know when you just type each word on the keyboard, as you pronounce it in your mind... without thinking if it makes any sense. This is just one of those raw, unstructured, random thoughts.

We tend to wage a war with life... Always fight, crib, sulk, defy, rebel. Life for sure has hardships, but there are rewards too. And amidst all the hardships, suddenly one day when life smiles at us, we do not know how to react. It happened to me, it may happen to anyone of us... you may just meet life around the corner of the lane. And when she smiles at you, remember to smile back. Life will suddenly seem beautiful. :-)



Black Tulip said...

Hi Minakshi, absolutely loved the lines you've written in 'abt me.' You penned 'em?

soulitary reaper said...

your post reminded me of this story read long before. A rich merchant runs to another town to escape death, but he bumps into her there...the death informs a startled him that he was scheduled to meet her there that day...I know its quite opp to ur sanguine post, but just for the thought that you cant really escape either of the two sisters...they get u before u get'em... :) lovely words u have as usual...n ya it's true, many a times we r so caught up that we forget to smile back... sigh!and a smile:)

Winged Fantasy said...

@black tulip: Thanks tulip. Yes it came after a struggle with words trying to describe myself. And then you realize that human nature is too volatile to be defined. And thanks for visiting. :-)

@Kavita: wow! nice story. And yes those are the strange ways of life and death... and talking about both as sisters, I am reminded of the three sisters of fate from Conrad's Heart of Darkness and Dicken's Tale of two cities... where they say something like one spins the yarn of life, one measures the length and the third cuts it off... well so... nothing is really in our hands, but to smile as each one does her part of the job. :-)
and a smile from me too. :-)

Shruti said...

Hi Meenaksi, thats very true of you..
just dont forget to smile back and life seems to be very beautiful...

Keep enjoying it...

Amandeep Singh said...

beutifully said..I know the feeling and I understand almost everyw ord u havr written here..from that lines of poem to the feelings u have described of writing it...
And i can't agree with u on that any better than that..When life does smile at us..we really have no idea how to idea at all!

Ravali said...

i really like this one. for the past wekk or so i had been meaning to go to the gym to use the punching bag. i am generally not a very angry person but lately i feel like there is a lot of anger repressed in me. something that slowly collected over a few years. and i just wanted to get it out and go back to being myself. but i haven't been able to go to the gym and that bothered me even further.
your poem is exactly what i needed. really. this made my day. its not something i just read and i am cured or all fine. but it is soo soothing that i will think about it for much much longer and its like applying aloe vera or some soothing gel on a hurt. it does cure it but it sure soothens the pain while it heals.
some to think of it. even love is a fight. all the things we do to ourselves and our life is put through.

Prince K. said...

I wrote a random piece just like this in my blog before seeing yours!!
Ooh. And I thought I would start the meme... eh well.

Life. It smiles evenly and keeps its balance...
It might smile and then it frowns later...

Maybe I should compare it to one Fate mentioned in a play by one Angrezi {Whom I hate with passion but his lines fit here nicely :P} about a Scotsthani

On second thoughts, no. It's somewhat indecent...

Caladrius said...

bahot sahi

Winged Fantasy said...

@Shruti: oh yes I shall do so... for however long that bubble lasts, the bubble of that beauty and smile... I shall enjoy it. :-)

@Standbymind: Thanks Aman for agreeing. Its true... I am an eye witness. :-)

@ravali: Thanks dearie. This is the best compliment anyone could have given. I am so glad that these few words could have that effect. :-)
Yes love is also a fight and an even bigger fight than life. For the fight with life atleast ends with death... but love, it never ceases to exist... so you are really fighting an immortal there. ;-)

@Prince Kazarelth: I read your Randomization... beautiful it was... the meme as you say :-)
The even smile that you talk about, makes it sound so fake. but what I was talking about was a real smile, a genuine one. Yeah a frown may follow if it has to... nevertheless enjoy the smile till it lasts.
And yeh kaun sa play hai? dont know about it. But say it... I am curious. Its okay, humlog kaan band kar lenge... jaldi boldo. :-)

@Sushant: toh fir 100 out of 100? ;-)

Aruni RC said...

Just thought I'd check out the enigma who commented. And found something precious.

Prose or poem, it manages to express some of that elusive sense of Life, which we all feel but never fully express. Raw thoughts are the best - they're pure.

Keep posting . . .

Winged Fantasy said...

@aruni rc: Enigma? do I smell sarcasm there on my elaborate affair with words in that comment? ;-)
Thats quite true. Raw thoughts are the best. Moreso when you have no literary genius to prove, but only a thought to share.
Thanks for visiting aruni... and let me add I thoroughly enjoyed your blog... hopped there from Kazarelth's. :-)

Prince K. said...

Ugh... Bolna padega kya?

It is --- *Close your ears*

Macbeth by William [the idiotic Brit] Shakespeare*

*Kazarelth runs around trying to wash his fingers with acid...*


Winged Fantasy said...

@Kazarelth: hahahaha... the three weird sisters... and the weirdest of all hecat... and to think that the title of this post here is also "weird"... hmmmm... ;-)

Kaz:"Will all the great acids from the jars wash this analogy clean from my head?"
Min: "A little sulphuric acid cleans us of this deed."

AakASH!!! said...

The story that Kavita mentions is actually an old anecdote that emphasis on fate. But a good version was written by Jeffrey Archer as well.

And i hope you both keep smiling at each other.

Winged Fantasy said...

@aakash!!!: oh which one of Jeffery Archer?
Thanks aakash. we will try to... atleast as long as fate permits and the three sisters dont quarrel. :-)

Puneet said... feels as if a fresh air is filled in if Life has smiled at all of us who visited your blog...May the smile last forever...

Winged Fantasy said...

@puneet: thank you :-)
And Amen... may the smile last forever. :-)